An Encrypted Clue is the fourth book in The Math Kids Series. The story follows four fourth-graders - Stephanie, Catherine, Justin and Jordan. They are all part of a Math Club and represent their school in the district level math competition. They enjoy solving math puzzles. While researching the history of their town for a school project, Stephanie comes across some strange symbols in the margin of a library book. The kids use their maths skills to break the cypher which leads them to more clues. Alongside, is the mystery of the mansion on the hill and budget cuts that threaten to cancel the math competition. Everything gets neatly tied together in the end.
The book reminded me of The Secret Seven series by Enid Blyton. The plot is absorbing with the right amount of intrigue. But the best part about the book is the use of maths in solving cyphers. It would get the kids interested in puzzles and encourage them to apply logical reasoning. Another thing that I liked was how pieces of general knowledge were made part of the story, such as the enigma machine, Elizabeth Smith, periodic table etc. The kids learn all this without even realising. The solution to all the math problems in the books is given in the appendix. And at the same time kids are encouraged to solve the problems by themselves. It is perfectly suited for 8-10-year-olds though I have a feeling that my math-loving 6 years old would love reading it with a little help from me. My only peeve with it is that graphics or illustrations were too few and far apart. They seemed to be forced and didn't gel with the plot. There was an excellent opportunity for graphics that complimented the writing given the storyline with codes and cyphers. Would certainly recommend it for middle graders.
Illustration - 2/5
Engagement Factor - 4/5
Overall Rating - 3.5/5
Age Group - 8+
Note : The book was given as a free copy by Netgalley to review however the views are my own.
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