A Mystery at Lili Villa follows the escapades of three cousins Tam, Arj and Mira in the small town of Elathoor, Kerala. Tam is spending her summer vacations with her cousins at her aunt and uncle’s house, Lili Villa. When a burglary occurs at their house, the cousins decide to play detectives and figure out the culprit themselves. They draw a list of suspects and go around the town gathering clues and figuring out each one’s alibis.
The author has maintained a simple flow in storytelling without adding too many unnecessary complexities. I loved the setting of the small town of Kerala where almost everyone knows everyone in a close-knit community. The children are endearing and the author has managed to make their personalities stand out. The way they go about crossing out suspects from their list while having fun along the way would interest the kids. The use of monikers instead of proper names for the characters adds to the fun element. Since food is a big part of our Indian culture, the Kerala food glossary at the end was a great addition. I feel illustrations would have added to the appeal of the book, which was missing. Though the book is aimed at middle-grade readers, I feel it is more suitable for young readers. Middle-grade readers prefer their mysteries a little more complicated. My 6-year-old had a good time reading it.
Illustrations - 0/5
Engagement Factor - 4/5
Overall Rating - 4/5
Age - 7-10+
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